Thursday 28 June 2012

A Very Gaga 23rd

I have been quite absent lately, and I don't have a good excuse like Slim. I am not in the midst of exams, I am just cold and have been hiding in my cave for the winter. Also, I am about to move house, and it was my birthday yesterday, so maybe I have some excuse?

Anyway, many months ago my best friend Joel (the Gaga crazy one) encouraged me to  get all Gaga with him. I thought why not, and I am glad I did, because one, it was a good thing to do on my birthday, and two, she really is an incredible performer and puts on a hell of a show even if you don't admire her musically! 

Here are some photos. I am decidedly the worst gig photographer ever! I get too excited, and can't stay still for long enough. As for our outfits, we had this big plan to make crazy Gagarific outfits, but time got away from us, we did however still get into the Monster Pit. I ended up wearing an old faithful Thursday Sunday dress, Mister Zimi biker jacket, and some leather converse sneakers. More posts to come! Fairy x

Monday 18 June 2012

Shakuhachi, again!

Oh my! Procrastinating again. How lovely is this new Shakuhachi though! Have already picked my favourites. I'm a fool for buying it full price (which i did with my Houndstooth pants) because it is always marked down 50% before you know it. So this time i will try my hardest to wait. I also want the black shoes which remind me of the Minimarket cut out brogues which i never ended up buying but wish i did!

check it out here!

Back to studying for me.
Dimity x

Friday 8 June 2012

Burning down the H...air.

This week I had a little disaster involving a candle and my pride and joy, my hair. A little more wax, and a little less fire but let me tell you, there were tears. My boyfriend also decided that the situation was very humorous and of all people he should know that laughter at such a horrific situation will likely lead to getting kicked out of my bed!

Anyway, crisis averted (many hair treatments later) I thought I'd do a post on products I cannot live without. I think that no matter your hair type, length, colour you will always get hair envy but after enduring almost every girl's worst nightmare I think I am just thankful I still have hair now!

Dimity will be able to tell you more about why these are so good for you, but all I know is if I skip eating my handful of almonds a day my hair definitely doesn't seem as shiny and healthy! 

My hairdresser got me onto Silica as I am always going on and on about growing my hair longer and longer. You take it daily and it helps to ensure your hair grows faster and healthier. 

Most girls will swear by this product and I agree. I just put a little in my ends after every wash. Apparently macadamia oil is a goody too, but I haven't tried it just yet.

The other steadfast rules are no straighteners, limited hair-drying, as little heat as possible! Natural is better if you want to limit split ends. Also Priceline has a Henna treatment in a tub that I use instead of conditioner (Slim showed me this!). It's about $4 and last ages. Last but not least: DON'T PUT CANDLES NEXT TO YOUR BED! Fairy x

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Buckwheat Treats

Sorry for my lack of posts! I would like to say it is because I am studying like crazy for exams, but that would be a lie... Instead I have been watching Sex and the City and sitting in front of the heater every night. Anyway here is a breakfast idea that Annabel and I have been making regularly, along with banana crepe type things. When we started looking for healthy options for all the naughty treats that everyone loves so much, like pancakes, we were excited to stumble along Teresa Cutter's website which has healthy alternatives to practically every recipe you can think of. I think you will be disappointed if you are expecting her recipes to taste exactly like the sugar filled recipes that most people are used to, but you will come to love them knowing that not one bad ingredient is going into your body. All her recipes are guilt free and packed with goodness.

We topped our pancakes with banana cooked in coconut flakes and topped with raspberries and blueberries. Delish!

Check out her website here!

Enjoy your week ya'll,
Dimity x

Saturday 2 June 2012

May. Is Over.

A little sleepover at Slimity's always includes me snooping through her wardrobe to see what is new, and also to check that everything is neat (My wardobe is colour co-ordinated and separated by type, so this is a big one for me).  I found this pretty little dress by May the label unworn and still tagged. Not uncommon for Slim. A little research led me to the same dress in green, and luckily I found it in a store the next day for half the price! I will be one happy fairy prancing around in my woodland green dress this winter. I also know who I will be swapping with when I get green with envy and want some floral in my life instead. Jade x