Monday 26 December 2011

Merry Christmas lovers

So sorry. After our first posts we got rather festive and distracted. The usual: standing on bins, wearing puddings for hats, you know the drill. We solemnly swear that in the new year we will make more of an effort to post regularly. In the meantime here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure.
 Dress: Thursday Sunday
Boots: Mister Zimi

 Jumpsuit: Gorman
 Dress: Shakuhachi
 Halloween outfits

 Dress: Alice McCall
Dress: $50 find on Brunswick st and pudding hat.
Dress: Mossman

Dress: Her Pony

Saturday 3 December 2011

Numero Uno

Welcome to our blog. We have been dubious about creating one for a while, particularly because we spend a good deal of our time stalking other people's blogs down and bitching about them. Admit it, you do it too, heck you are probably already bitching about ours now. But a few people have suggested (encouraged, begged, bit and scratched) that we start one, so here goes. Much of what we post will be fashion/style related, but we do enjoy good, and mostly healthy food too so expect a bit of that thrown in there, as well as some totally unrelated strangeness. Enjoy.

Alice McCall

So Dimity just purchased the 'Lovers Must Elude' dress (above) by Alice McCall to wear to a festival today (I have to work while she get's to play, boo). This dress is just heavenly and I cannot wait to steal it from her wardrobe. I was never a huge fan of Alice but after seeing this dress I have had a sneaky look at the rest of the second SS11 collection - The Dansant, and I am pretty devastated that I am not filthy rich so I can have it all. The 'Conservative Consumption' dress may be winning first prize for next item to add to my ever expansive wardobe though. The 'Montrose' jumpsuit down the bottom is swell too...